When I'm not wandering the redwoods around my home foraging for plants to make herbal medicines or other goods for the local farmer’s markets, I am guiding people to release their grief and experience more inner peace and freedom as a ritual facilitator.

You can find my hand-crafted goods in my shop here.

I am also an interior designer specializing in sacred interior design (read more below or go here).

I offer grief support

Along the way, I found a calling in helping others to release years and sometimes decades of layered grief. I find great joy and fulfillment in helping people find greater peace, freedom, vitality, joy, and aliveness through finally tending to their deepest pain in a sacred way.

My own Grief apprenticeship began…

…in the community trauma born from the Santa Rosa, CA wildfires of 2017 and a string of personal traumas that same year. During that time I was fortunate to have found and to have immersed myself in the teachings of ritual and grief experts Malidoma and Sobonfu Some and Francis Weller. Inspired by their teachings, I have since led individual and group grief support circles and rituals online and locally.

In the redwood groves around my home, I discovered that the shadowy, womb-like redwood forests are a highly conducive and supportive environment for tapping into and releasing grief. 

My clients have found immense healing bringing their grief out of isolation and into ritual space in partnership with nature and the redwood trees. They truly are healing allies.

If you're interested in deepening your connection to the earth through nature-based healing rituals, grief support, or mentorship, click here. For more on my personal healing journey, visit my blog.

I also offer sacred interior design services.

My design journey began…

My design journey began 15 years ago when I stood in the living room of my pretty suburban Pottery Barn style house only to realize that nothing in it reflected who I was. It had no life in it. I was hit by a hard truth that somewhere during my decade-long marriage, I'd completely lost myself. That afternoon, my soul spoke. “This isn’t you. It’s time to discover who you truly are.”

If we’re paying attention, our homes are powerful mirrors for us to see where in our lives we are living in integrity and alignment with our soul, and where we aren’t.

In 2017 I learned the difference between a pretty house and a real home when I designed and co-built the “Redwood Rose.”

The journey of designing and building my home was a powerful life experience. I learned that when we design our personal spaces with detailed intention and approach it as a sacred process, we end up with true living spaces that reflect us on the deepest levels. During the design, whether consciously or unconsciously, nearly everything became a metaphor. For example, the decision to build my house on a trailer with wheels, to use log posts on my porch, to build an arched roof, and round my doors all symbolize the traits of various archetypes within me. Those archetypes are the free-spirited Gypsy who loves the wild and traveling, my inner Pioneer Woman who grew up in rugged Montana and is strong, resourceful, resilient, and knows how to build things. The apothecary shelves holding jars of dried herbs, infused oils and tinctures reflect my inner Medicine Woman. The biophillic (love of life) design of both my exterior and interior symbolize my deep connection and reverence for nature as well as the elemental/faery realms (my last name is Fay). The decision to use many reclaimed materials in my build symbolize my healing journey and the reclaiming of these previously cast-away parts of myself.

It was a profound moment when I realized that I was not just building a house, but that the house was both reflecting and building me.

If you want to know intimately what you are made of, build your own home! Or, perhaps simply let me help you design the interior. I am a certified interior designer specializing in sacred and elemental design. I would love the opportunity to help you design a space where you truly feel at Home.

Click here to learn more about my design services.

Who am I really?

I am a visionary, a truth teller, a story maker, and bringer of the sacred. Whether in conversation or out wandering the woods, I dig deep, sniffing out meaning wherever I am. I am a listener of the quiet realms, to the plants and the Elders. I am a barefoot dancer, a singer, a tree hugger, a ritualist, and a medicine woman. I am a lover of beauty and the unbridled creative spirit. 

I worship life and frequently fall on my knees in reverence for its mysterious and divine perfection. I walk this earth alone, but never lonely. I dance in the truth of my connectedness to all beings and laugh at the lies of separation and individualism.  Made numb and rageful in the city, redwood trees beckoned, my body healed and my soul emerged. The land continues to soften me, welcoming me home again and again. 

I believe in the healing power of the soil and the composting process. I believe in many deaths and rebirths, compassion, humility, stillness, silence, and raw emotion. I believe in the transformative power of FEELING fully.

I believe in women rising in these times, and our responsibility to Mother a new dream, a new story, and a new humanity into existence. I believe in us.