
20 Reasons for Gratitude during the Pandemic

Unless you are working for an essential service provider or are a health worker, you have officially been given complete permission from your government, your boss, and all other authorities to make yourself a priority. When does this EVER happen? Don't blow this (likely) once in a lifetime opportunity to just be and do you!

You now have total freedom to step out of the hustle and take care of yourself in the ways you've been fantasizing about for years. In case you've been so deep in the hustle that you can no longer remember what those things are, here are some ideas.

1. Rock your bathrobe and pajama pants 24/7.

2. Not style your hair or put on makeup.

3. Sleep in and take 2 hour naps.

4. Make beautiful, delicious meals that take longer than 15 minutes. Try those yummy online recipes you've been collecting.

5. Did I say sleep?

6. Thanks to all the sleep, you now have the energy for lots of good sex.

7. Sit outside for hours listening to the birds. If you live in a cold climate, gear up! Enjoy the peace and stillness winter offers.

8. Meditate for more than 10 minutes.

9. Take long walks. Smile and wave to your neighbors.

10. Turn the music up and dance around in your pj's.

11. Find a fun exercise or yoga class on YouTube and get in shape.

12. Deep clean.

13. Get rid of stuff.

14. Binge watch all the movies and all the shows.

15. Zoom for hours with everyone you love but don't normally have time for.

16. Receive all the love your neglected pet has been dying to give you for years.

17. For those of you who are sheltering with partners or family members, you now have the time to really get to know and understand them. This is an opportunity to create and experience deeper levels of intimacy and connection with those you care about (and practice all those communication tips you've been reading about).

18. Get creative. Start writing that book or screenplay. Take an online art course. Learn to play guitar or the Irish tin whistle on YouTube.

19. Feel all your feelings. There's A LOT coming up for everyone right now. This virus has triggered many of our core wounds. It's intense and whatever you are feeling (grief, rage, anxiety, fear, loneliness...) is normal. This is a rare opportunity to reflect on how you're feeling and why. It's also a great time to ask yourself what in your life is lighting you up and what is draining you.

If it's really intense, many therapists are available remotely to help. You can also join an online support group.

20. Start a new business you are much more inspired and excited about than your current job.