Peaks and Valleys

me on Shasta 2017.jpg

3 years ago today this was me sitting on the flanks of MT Shasta healing from a narcissistic abusive relationship. 3 years prior to that I was also starting over, having just moved from San Francisco to one of the most beautiful, magical places in the world. I wouldn't have believed it if someone had told me that 3 years later I would be starting over again, this time building myself back up physically, emotionally, and psychologically at 90 pounds with PTSD. Again, if someone had told the woman in this photo that 3 years from then, on this New Years day, I would finally be with my Beloved after many years of friendship planning our lives together, I wouldn't have believed it either. But today, as I sit on this proverbial mountain peak, I know my descent into another valley is ahead of me.

Living a soul-driven life isn't all magic and rainbows. It simply means surrendering to being guided on your path through the peaks and valleys knowing you will be challenged in ways you wouldn't ever have volunteered for or imagined for yourself. Years later, you will realize that you were led to the exact experience you needed in preparation for the next part of your journey. Because, in the end, it's not about what we've been through, but who we become as a result of our experiences. It's about what we learn, who we grow into, and how wide our capacity for empathy grows towards others experiencing their own peaks and valleys.

I truly believe that through our experiences life is preparing us to be the greatest versions of ourselves. We can resist the valleys, but its the hardship that transforms us, and makes the peaks feel sooo good and satisfyingly well earned.

As I sit at this current peak looking back at my life, I'm amazed at how much I've changed, softened, surrendered, let go of perfection and control, and as a result how much more connected I feel to others. I wouldn't change any of it. 🙏